Concrete is a durable material that is ideal for a wide range of purposes including the construction of car parks. However, even a durable material like concrete will need to be maintained properly — especially in settings like car parks where it will be exposed to repeated compression from vehicles as well as heat from sunlight. Anyone responsible for the maintenance of a car park should have the number of a concrete contractor stored in their phone to look after any repair work that might be required. What are the main issues to look out for when it comes to car park repairs?
Cracked Concrete
Concrete can crack for several different reasons. When cracks appear in the surface of a car park, they will usually continue to grow as more and more vehicles pass over them. If you notice cracks in vertical structures, such as the concrete pillars, then an immediate inspection will be required to ensure the facility is safe to use. Either way, a car park repair will be needed to prevent the crack from becoming any worse. Usually, a patch repair is all that is needed to resolve problems associated with cracked concrete.
Crazed Concrete
When concrete is crazing, it makes the same sort of irregular patterns in its fault lines that you see in crazy paving, hence the name. Usually, crazed concrete has low-level fissures but they can spread a long way in a short space of time. If newly poured concrete had a high water content and it cured too quickly, perhaps on a particularly hot day, then crazing is a common issue that will follow. A new application of concrete over the top usually resolves this problem.
Blistered Concrete
Another common reason for car park repairs is when concrete has become blistered. Sometimes blistered concrete is a result of pour mixing when the concrete was initially poured, but other times it comes about because noxious materials have made their way onto the surface of the concrete. Again, patch repairs are often enough to resolve this problem and to prevent the blisters from getting bigger. Covering the concrete surface in a moisture-resistant resin will also help to prevent further blistering down the line.
Dusted Concrete
When concrete breaks up into fine particles, it is called dusting. To prevent this, a low slump concrete pour should occur over the impacted area of the car park. This will offer the durability to prevent further dusting when cars subsequently drive over it.
To learn more about car park repairs, contact a concrete contractor near you.
Share20 May 2020
If you have broken concrete around your property, you need to be creative about how you deal with it. You can tear it out, you can fix it or you can reuse the concrete in another area. Hi, my name is Betty, and I am a firm advocate of reducing waste and reusing things. I take this attitude to every part of my life, including my concrete. I own a business and a home, and I have concrete around both of them. Over the years, I have hired contractors to do repairs and a number of other things. I have also done a lot of research. Want ideas? Check out my posts. Cheers!